In my ignorance I assumed anyone—subscriber or not—was one simple click away from commenting on a post if they wished. Not so… if readers are not subscribed to my blog and signed in to Substack, the attempt to comment is either a link to nowhere or—at best—a trip to the top of the post’s page… where you will still be required to sign in or create an account.
When I check my posts to see if all the links work properly, they always do… but that’s because I am signed into my Substack account. It took hearing from a friend who tried to comment, to realize what happens if you are not signed in.
Just to be clear… Subscribing simply means you have chosen to receive my email posts… nothing else. It will never cost anything and there is no obligation to stay.
I love comments and feedback, so if you don’t mind signing in to do so, that would be great… but please don’t feel obligated. You can always reply to the email and we can continue the conversation that way. Thank you…!
Greg still likes Carol. And last I heard, Carol still likes Greg. We’re still married! 😇 — it’ll be three years in October…!
Carol has had some ups and downs with her health, but stable and active again lately. She got another brisk 2.2 mile walk in this morning. Her doctor’s personal touch and penchant for detail keep us thankful.
I am convinced the daily doses of Glucosamine and Turmeric have something to do with my diminished knee pain and stronger exercise sessions that still include some light running.
As I work on this, Carol is at her laptop putting finishing touches on her book project. The subject is her oldest daughter’s cancer journey and home-going fourteen months ago.
I am excited about continuing my “Sobremesa” series on this blog. In addition to my blogs and our website, I am compiling a collection of essays into book form. Drawing from 40+ years of life outside of the US, I feel like there are many things left for me to write about… healthy worldview, discipleship, church planting, mentoring… for starters.
My son and his wife will be here for three weeks this month. They live in Cancun, Mexico. We haven’t seen them since pre-Covid. My son is a paramedic who owns and runs an ambulance company. His wife is a nurse (as is their daughter). The three of them are on the frontline of the Covid battle which still rages. They (we) have all lost precious friends, family, and brothers and sisters in Christ to the virus.
Prayer Requests:
For enough Covid vaccines and the means to distribute them to multitudes of vulnerable people around the world.
For a spirit of thankfulness… wearing a mask has been less painful than wearing a ventilator.
For our precious family of believers and churches in Cancun. Their faithfulness in the face of the losses and difficulties of the past year amaze us… may they continue to encourage and bless us all.
For Carol’s continued good health… wisdom and strength for finishing her book.
For our mentoring opportunities… wisdom for each session with individuals and small groups.
Colossians 1:28-29 (ESV)
28 Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.